

After such an intense and snowy winter, Spring was especially wonderful this year.  It took weeks to get used to how much space there was with all the snow gone!  

The girls played outside constantly and just had so much fun in our backyard.  For several weeks, they played 'house' out there, cooking and baking with flower petals, living in the fort, etc. They each had their own little role and were very engrossed in their little story line. I love love love it. 

This was their pretend oven - "banana bread" and something else. It made me so happy :)

Family bike ride at the Arboretum. Edie learned to pedal/balance on her bike last Fall, but couldn't get started on her own until this day. She actually isn't super excited about it and would rather use her scooter for now.

A day at the zoo with Elaine over Spring break I think - perfect coolish/warmish weather with hardly any crowds.

Another perfect coolish/warm day at Drumlin Farm with friends. I could have sat with the baby lambs all day!!   I'd never been there before and was really impressed. So incredibly clean - even the chicken coops and the goat barn didn't smell.  Reminded me of Wheeler Farm days and how much fun we had there with Sam and Mimi and all our Utah friends.

The Spring blooms are so incredible. A beautiful Spring makes the long winter totally worth it in my opinion!

Ruth met the ducklings at the Public Garden for the first time. Really, she is seeing everything again for the first time since she was so small last summer! It's so fun to see her experience it all. Still so excited every time we see a bird or a duck or even an ant :)

We've had a few hot days as Summer approaches, but for the most part the weather has been just perfect still - so grateful!