

I'm going to color something for your friend, Sarah.  This is a real big ball, and that's a little one.  I like to color balls, them are real cool.  I like to color pink ones because I looooooooove pink!  Are you happy?  Yes I'm very happy.  'Cause you can't look in my bag. [I wouldn't let her go through my purse earlier] Ok let's send this to Sarah. No, It's for Jenny.  You said it's for Sarah [sorry, Sarah]. I will tell her what them are. Them are balls, not skunks or bugs.

Look at this sweet little ponytail and sweet little round cheeks - my little cutie:


momandpop said...

Quoting her is such a good thing. You'll feel that tenderness forever.

sarah said...

I'm going to draw varah a picture...