
*mi niña

Sometimes I worry Vera seems so "secular" and consumer-minded - as in she loves princesses, all-pink clothes, the Pottery Barn kids catalogue, the first thing she tells you is "I got a new __scooter, sunglasses, etc.__!" and she's always telling me we should "buy/get one of those." I know it's just her personality though, and most of it is probably my self-consciousness about not her not being a 100% little nature child with artistic tastes [not that I'd want her all that way! maybe just a little bit more. she does hold worms now, right? and she loves to read.].
Anyway, I'll see her doing something along these lines and think wow, this is so not-Soulemama. I often mentally categorize snapshots of our day into yes or no-Soulemama moments. Like digging in the garden - yes. Looking for baby animals burrows on a hike - yes. Disney princesses - no. Hello Kitty paraphernalia - no. Terrible of me, I know! Kind of funny though - Ben joins in sometimes too.

Here is one [there was a similar shot I had but she was wearing a hot pink Hello Kitty tutu - how S-Mama is that??] from the other day. She was playing with her [awful, hand-me-downed] My Little Ponies, singing a funny made-up tune something along the lines of: "I need make-up, make-up, make-up on my faaaace! I need make-up on my boooo-dy, on my boooottom.. lalalala" Oh my, this is my little girl :)

*if you're unfamiliar with SouleMama, she's like the quintessential natural living, forest galavanting, un-schooling, cloth-diapering hippie Mama. I hope I don't get people googling her critics, ending up here...


Jenny said...

I know what you mean--but I love that you have let go a bit and just let her gravitate to what she is naturally bent towards. I get such a kick out of her pink princess self:) Just don't let her say "princess" around Amelia! Haha, just kidding. Sort of. I think I need to let go a bit myself!

Melissa Abby said...

Don't be too hard on yourself :) I enjoy reading her blog, part of me wishes we lived like that but it's so far from my reality for some reason. It does make me 2nd guess things we do and buy for Grant and how unnecessary most of it is! Isn't it crazy how at such a young age they can already be so into the stereotypical stuff??!!

jfoster said...

Soulemama makes it look so easy! Her days must be longer than ours over there in Maine, really! I totally hear you loud and clear on the consumer driver attitude at such a young age. You are doing all the right things. She will be well rounded and eventually decide for herself and learn that Mommy always knows best!