
*big sister

31 weeks - measuring at 33, sigh.

Vera is extremely excited about her coming baby sister.  We talk about the baby a lot, about how cute and squirmy and little and squeaky [vera's words] she's going to be, about how she'll cry sometimes and we'll have to be patient, about how we'll have to be sooo careful with her, about how much she'll love her big sister, about how fun it will be to change her diaper and dress her up in little clothes.  She's really adamant about one certain name [not going to share :)] and if we even discuss other names she gets really angry - I DONT LIKE THAT, I only like ____!  She loves to give my stomach hugs and kisses and pats and always asks if she's kicking me.  She often can't stay still long enough to feel the baby move, but I love when she does and I see the bright look of wonderment on her face.  It's a really sweet time and I need to stop wishing these last couple months fly by...


Mike said...

Well, I wouldn't give her too much power over the name. It's rightfully your decision and Ben's. A name is a powerful thing best chosen by fully mature adults. And you know this.

Erin Dahlgren said...

What a precious picture - you look great!!

Jenny said...

Such a great picture! Love you guys! Can't wait to meet little boo bear:) Jen