
*el baile

Vera had her first ballet class this afternoon! I think I was almost as excited as she was! As we pulled up to the center she said, "I get to meet the wonderful wonderful girls!" The class went even better than I thought it would - the teacher was incredibly sweet and fun, but also very professional and kept the class so orderly. All the girls were completely captivated - it was adorable!!! There is nothing like seeing your children radiate happiness.

She's wearing the pink leotard with no skirt - on the right::


and a video:


momandpop said...

Veras Cater. What a thrill!!

jennifer l-w said...

Love Vera dancing and Edie walking. Great footage, Anne! The girls are so beautiful. Dancing seems the perfect activity for Vera!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh..... i teared up! ;)

auntie j said...

goodness.. she seems so in her element. you could frame every one of those pictures. kinda makes me want to be a little girl all over again :)