
*18+ months

A few weeks late, but want to get down what little Edie is like at around one and a half.  I love this picture of her and her beloved Puppy. She is so excited to see Puppy after even a little separation - it makes your heart melt a little.

At her appointment this week she finally had hit the 20 lb mark!  20 lbs 10 oz.  My printout says she is 12% for height and 22% for weight.  I still have her facing backward in the carseat since ours goes till 30 lbs. and she seems to not mind.  When she got her shot she just whimpered a little and I said, "are you ok?" and she said "yeah" in a shaky little voice - very cute :)  We just love our pediatrician - Dr. Katie. I should have got her picture with them as who knows where we'll be at the next visit??

My favorite things about her are how she says "yeah" to any and all questions.  Even if she doesn't understand the question, she always gets it that you're asking one.  I just love the way she says it - hard to describe in words.   Actually, yesterday I asked if she had a poopy diaper and she said, "yeah" - then she realized I think that meant I would take her inside so she changed her mind and said (wait!) no!  She is just in the last week putting 2 words together:  

Lola dish, Daddy dish - Lola's shoes, Daddy's shoes. Our dar! - our car.  New bopper! - new diaper.  Today on the way to church she said biiiiiii(g) truck!

Other funny words:
La - socks, trash
Lalo - pants (trying to say pantalones)
knee - hurt (I think bc it's usually her knee that gets hurt)
lellow - yellow (of course)
nu nu - noodle
dish - shoes, fish
nana - food (she has said this since she was like 10 months)
añana añana! - when she's really hungry

I also love how she just loves her baby friends - especially Fiona and Jubilee and loves to get real close to say hi and give hugs and kisses.  They are not quite as excited as Edie is to receive the lovin... however, her intentions are sweet :)

She is pretty headstrong and determined to do just what she wants.  I think I remember correctly that Vera was obedient as far as "don't touch that," "don't drink that," etc.  Edie has already pulled off all the tops to the marigolds we planted last week and keeps trying to uproot the peas as well.  Yesterday she started to take a swig of my corona when we were out gardening - I feel like Vera respected when I said beer/coffee was for mommies and daddies only.  Maybe I'm remembering wrong?

Her favorite books are Goodnight Moon and Duck in a Truck (she loooves to point out how dirty the frog is at the end).  She loves Signing Time of course - I really need to get a video of it soon. Some favorites are grow, tree, racoon, owl, bear, airplane, ice cream... 

She loves to be outside, like most little ones.  Loves the sandbox, loves Eloise, loves Boone, loves to feed them, likes to go for walks, loves to go down the little slide at the park by herself.  Sleep is normal - she takes a 1-1.5 hour nap in the afternoon, goes to bed around 7:00 and sleeps till 6:00-7:00.  She really started sleeping all the way through consistently once I weaned her about a month ago.  Well, except while we were in Seattle - traveling and also her bottom 2 molars broke through - ouch.

Anyway, loving our little kona coffee bean [daddy's nickname for her] to pieces :)

♥ ♥ ♥

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