*She LOVES pink, specifically light pink. For months now it has been a major part of our lives with her exclaiming at least 3X a day that Vera loves pink. If you offer her anything, she asks for a pink one? I never dressed her in a lot of pink and never made the suggestion that "girls like pink." I wonder how she came to favor it??
*Her latest favorite pasttime is perusing the Pottery Barn Kids catalogue. Look Mom, a pink bed!!!! a pink towel!!! loooook, stroooller a pink one! Baby one, sooooo cute!!
*She's only taking a nap or maybe two a week. She stays in her room for about an hour playing, reading and [sorry] going #2 in her diaper if I haven't tricked her into going earlier [long story].
*Probably because of the no-napping, maybe 2 year molars, terrible twos, whoknowswhat, she is in a major crying phase. The other morning she cried for about an hour after I started to help her get her arm out of her sleeve - which she wanted to do by herself. Another night she cried for just as long because I folded the washcloth she wanted to wrap her baby pig in. Tonight we turned her movie off for dinner and there was more of the same. And it makes me .very.angry. and it takes everything I've got to keep calm.
*I am amazed at her memory. She's constantly reminding me of something that happened months ago. Mom, 'member Eliot chased me? [last July]; Mom, 'member Adam? [the chef at my old job]; Mom, 'member Isabella? [little girl we met this summer]; Mom, 'member Snoofy's yucky beard? at the store? 'member dat? [this was today - I had no idea what she was talking about.]
*One of her favorite games is to call me Mommer. Then I say heeeeyyyyy don't call me that! and then she says it again and I tickle her. and then she'll keep it going, sometimes switching to Mommer Dommer! oh my.