
*Ruth turns 1!

We celebrated Ruth's 1st birthday this weekend!  It was a small little party with just the Kims and the Mukaayas - people who light up her face any time they come over :)  She is a social little thing and had a wonderful time with all the excitement.  More on the birthday girl herself later...

 She loves to lift "heavy" things like this.

Edie wrapped up her leap pad for Ruth : )

She has started climbing stool and chairs and was so happy with herself here being able to see the counter!

 we decorated during her nap - she was so excited about the balloons and streamers - "ooohhh!!!"

 help with the carrot cake:

Vera and Edie are over the top in love with their baby sister and planned and talked about her birthday for months. Their cards and gifts were so sweet.


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