I'm out of town and don't have a picture to share, but I've been thinking about Mother's Day [obviously] and wanted to write down some thoughts::
I love being Vera's mom. [mom?! I can't believe I'm a mom.]
I love when she leans her head against me when I read her a story.
I love when she reaches her little arms to be picked up.
I love that I can comfort her when she falls, when she bumps her head, when she's hungry, when she's tired.
I love when I enter the room and she takes off crawling towards me.
I love to rub her little back when I put her down to sleep.
I love to see her love her daddy.
I love to imagine her walking and talking.
I love her little hands busily exploring something new.
I love her long little toes.
I love dressing her up.
I love picking her up after a nap and feeling her sleepy little head nuzzle against me.
I love watching her face light up when daddy gets home.
I love when she wrinkles her nose.
I love making her laugh.
I love playing around and finding her ticklish spot of the day.
I love nursing her before bed [I know I shouldn't be doing that still...] and having the last little cuddle.
I love to imagine who she'll be and how our relationship will look as she grows up.
*sigh* I love my little baby.