

Caught on video:

::> She has been letting go while standing, but yesterday started just popping up without any support at all! It's so crazy to see her changing from a little baby into a little person.

::> Pat the Bunny [aka Lick the Bunny] is her favorite book - I love seeing how she knows what to do on each page. She is going to be sooooooo smart.

::> After a couple months break, her little growl is back.


Melissa Abby said...

I can't believe she just stands up like that, no big deal!! I also vaguely remember Ben making weird growling noises like that when Chad lived with him, maybe that is where she gets it :)

Jenny said...

I still cannot believe she stands up like that!!!That is one strong baby:) Also, that video just cracks me up with this cute, little girl wearing a frilly dress and then comes the GROWLLLLL......totally Vera:) Love ya, Jen

Emily said...

pat the bunny is our standing favorite too...7 months running! pat the cat and pat the puppy are the only other good ones, but better for when they're a bit older. LOVE the apple pie. i've had your pie before, ben's a lucky guy.

Hechung said...

I know you already know this, but seriously, Vera is one of the cutest babies I have ever seen. And that growl? Oh, I love it!

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

not sure you can ever post again...because this was the CUTEST video ever:)

Jack/Gooz said...

Jack is 14 months and still can't stand on his own. Nice work Vera! (Girls are so much more advanced than these silly boys!)

Em and Jud said...

Go Vera! She is so adorable!