

First family portrait:

I think it's so fun to watch the way Vera's scribbles have progressed. Over the break she started drawing happy/sad/angry faces and then figured out she could draw arms and legs protruding from the heads - the first being Mommy, Daddy and Vera. It was so exciting and she was so pleased with what she could do! She also loves making balloons still and more recently spiders - with 30 or so legs. I also think it was interesting how a couple months ago she wouldn't color in coloring books. I think she didn't know quite what to do and would just make me or Ben do it for her. One day though she just sat down began coloring [mostly] in the lines! It just clicked. This is probably really boring stuff for anyone else, I just love seeing her little brain making connections and like to jot down just when it happened :)



We got see lots of friends over these last 3 weeks!! Of course I didn't get many pictures of grown-up friends, but definitely lots of the little ones:

Heather and Nate:

Chad and Melissa and Grant:

[she still remembers him as the one who tried to grab her quesadilla]

Megan and sweet smiley Eden:

[couldn't get a regular expression from either]

Not pictured: Kyle [Melissa's cute blue-eyed baby], Jilly [Jana's adorable spunky little girl :)], Vann [Lance + Jenni's cute little bruiser] and Eva who we almost got to hang out with :(


*los perritos

We're in Nevada now with Liz and the puppies:


*puesto de sol

...from my walk today - sighhhhhhhhhh


*more pink

No doubts as to whether or not we have a girly girl. She layered the pink skirts and tights and sweats and jewelry as it was opened, wearing it all right up to bedtime. She regularly announces that she's beau-ful and a princess :)

*feliz navidad

a sampling of some favorite moments:

[being here!]

[short-lived but very cute red Christmas ribbons]

[3 little munchkins watching Cinderella]

[so proud of her new backpack. goin' to s(ch)ool.]
[Christmas night: a vat of horchata] [silly brothers: click to see b.beauchaine's amazing expression]
[so so much family!]
[Christmas Eve - ultimate fusion dinner: stuffed tofu, green curry vegetables, chicken adobo, tabouleh, pear pie... so delicious] [c'mon vera, you can do it - 2 more bites!]

moments not captured on camera:

when Castro the cat caught a bird in the house which we disposed of outside. an hour or so after the ordeal I overheard Vera talking to him in the hall: "hurt him?" I peeked in on her and she was crouched next to the cat and the poor little dead bird.

when Vera would open an especially pretty or pink present and she would try her hardest to hide a huge smile

before our Christmas dinner with 25 gathered around - little Jakey's sweet prayer of thanks


*que lio!

Tearing out a bathroom, babysitting a good portion of my time, having a flood, a broken dryer and a sore throat/headache, writing Christmas cards, wrapping presents, grocery shopping and then trying to cook a turkey, pies, stuffing etc. all with a little friend to take care of results in this:

Can you imagine the rest of the house?  It makes me feel very ... overwhelmed.  Please also imagine the musty smell of drying carpets creeping through it all and the street-sized garbage can in the hall on the way to my room.  The easiest thing to do in this situation is to eat another piece of pie, take pictures and then make it all look a little better on picnik.com.  

*el barrio

You probably know that we love our neighbors.  We had a delicious Thanksgiving-like dinner tonight and it was so much fun - as any dinner with these guys is.  I made turkey and gravy for the first time by myself and I think it turned out pretty well?  It's crazy how much our 2 kids have grown in the last year. I remember holding Graham at last year's Christmas party: teeny tiny!   


*busy afternoon

I got a new charger for the camera and can take pictures!  I was feeling so lost without it.  

Vera helped me make a couple pumpkin pies this afternoon.  I let her use the little plastic egg beater from her kitchen and she was so serious and proud about it - very important she said.  I remember my mom letting me make scrambled eggs once with a little plastic blender and I still swear they were the best eggs I've ever had.

In addition to the plumbing crisis you might have heard about, our dryer is broken.  This is Vera peeking through the many clothes hanging around the basement:

Ben working hard in the bathroom. Can't you just hear the blaring Aerosmith?  He was so happy.  I wish his tool belt showed up in the picture.. pretty hot :)

[new window and framing]


*la artista

Vera got some new crayons [thank you friends!] today and actually drew something that looks like something on purpose!  She was so happy and proud and excited to show me: "Look Mom made balloons!!!" and then proceeded to draw some in every color.  I love watching this child develop :)

*2 horas

Vera, Jenny and I went on a fun, quick IKEA trip this afternoon.  Before we left the bathroom looked like this:

and now it looks like this:

bye bye yucky bathroom!


*all my by self!

2 new feats:

Vera can now put on her own coats and sweatshirts - every 3 out of 5 tries :)  The first time was a few days ago - she came out of her room having put on her coat, boots, hat and hot pink feather boa.  I wish I had a picture of her beaming face: SO.PROUD.

Also she climbed out of her crib a couple hours ago!  I'm so glad for the excuse to put her in a big girl bed... which I'm hoping will ironically help her to stay in her own bed all night.  I'm thinking when she wakes up we can kneel by her bedside until she sleeps again??  

I can put my coat on all my by self too!



Another major major highlight was seeing my good friends!!! Didn't get pictures of everyone we saw, and the ones I did get were taken by a 2 year old....

*los perritos!

A major major highlight going home was seeing Boone's puppies!!!!  They were so stinkin adorable and snuggly.  When we first got there they were just starting to play, doing little bunny hops and then falling over from the exertion, but by the time we left they had already changed a lot and were much more playful and active.  Seriously they were so cute!  Vera reacted differently than I thought she would - she just repeated over and over how cute they were, but didn't get down and hug and pet them, probably nervous about their sharp little teeth?  Anyway, if you live around Carson/Reno and want a puppy, let me know!


*el dia de gracias

ol' Sam Ward

As always we had a great time over Thanksgiving, this year with my family at Lake Tahoe and in Carson.  Thanksgiving itself was really really enjoyable - we didn't get the turkey in the oven until pretty late so it made for a nice long and leisurely afternoon of cooking, snacking, playing, drinking wine, etc. followed by the delicious dinner.  I love Thanksgiving food!!!  Vera had fun too hanging out with Olivia, Ivor and Eliot.  I love how every holiday or get together, she's more kid-like and can keep up with her cousins just a little better than before.  

So much to be thankful for!

Thank you JC!