

Well it's worked: Vera loves bunny. Following Elizabeth Pantley's advice, I introduced Vera to her 'lovey.' At first I couldn't tell if she was attached, but more and more it's clear that she loves her bunny. I like to think that he's [yes the pink bunny is a he. It just happened. Ben doesnt' like it :)] helped her sleep so well when we're out of town and helped her calm down when she's really upset. Every time I go pick her up from her nap she's still clutching him and will hold on until she's fully recovered from her sleepy state. She'll put him out repeatedly so I can kiss him and then I make him kiss her cheek too; she loves it. And I love seeing her attached to him - more evidence that she's becoming a little person.


Jenny said...

Your persistence paid off--yay! Bunny is soooo adorable:) And Vera reaching him out for you to kiss it is SO stinkin cute. Alas, I was not persistent with Amelia and i think I am her bunny these days:) And Sam's "bunny" is a pink, silky blanket of Amelia's. Oh my. See you soon, Jen

ann.e said...

this is ben. how many of our readers think V's pink bunny is a male???? that doesn't seem right. sorry for not being PC.