
*the tree

Doesn't this look sweet - decorating the tree with my little girl?

It wasn't. It was a disaster of a night. Vera freaked out when I started putting the ornaments up, furiously signing and saying ball. When I told her she couldn't touch them or the lights, it was total meltdown. Ben was telling me to pose with her helping put up an ornament and I was telling him that it wasn't a happy memory we were making. Anyway, at least now we can laugh about it :) I took off all the ornaments after she went to bed and she's since been able to keep from touching the lights.


Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

Make one of those paper chains for it???

Ryan. Beth. Pierce. Paige. Ollie. said...

lol. i've been worried about the tree here too. normally, i decorate on thanksgiving weekend, but have totally put it off so i don't have to patrol the tree for too many weeks!

ann.e said...

actually, now she's fine. i think once they get the idea it's off limits, they put it out of their mind (well that's true for vera anyway).

julie, i do have a red sparkly garland thing, but otherwise, i'm over it :)

Melissa Abby said...

Well, you got an awesome picture out of it. It looks like such a perfect mommy/daughter moment, straight out of a magazine! You guys have such a beautiful, wonderful family!