
*las frases

A sampling of the "sentences" we're hearing lately:

"star. eatit [she can't say -ing]. mouth. six four four six." [eating all of Stella's star puffs the other day]

"Desta. chew. hurt. cry." [this was one of her first conversations with me a couple months ago after Stella choked a bit on her dry cereal. Vera brings this up at least every other day.]

"all-clea(n). sharp. dang(er)ous." [cheese grater on the floor]

"yucky bug. table. clean. auntie." [she brings this one up a lot too. there was a cockroach in a restaurant in NYC - they need to clean. auntie J was there.]

"bye! store. church" [she's always pretending to go bye-bye. church, store and park are the places she knows to go.]

"ba ba ba ba, elmo [i think she was singing elmo's world here]. piglet. mommy. bag, coat." [I have nooo idea]

1 comment:

Jeremy, Julie, Eva and Kate said...

I love these phrases. So fun to hear what is going on in her mind:)