

It's been really fun to see Vera interacting more with her friends, initiating and participating in little games, conversations, holding hands, sharing, etc. on her own.

Little princesses making their little horsies talk to each other:

Mimi's pony: Hi. What's your name?
Vera's pony: Ummm Vera.

The conversation here was something like, this is nice... yeah real nice... look, mud!

walking back from watching the trains. then Thomas went away! yeah, he went away!


Jenny said...

AHHHH! They are so adorable together! I was JUST looking back at my archives to find pictures of them when they were babies to post with some recent ones. So thankful for you friends:) Jen

Em and Jud said...

These are the sweetest photos and commentary! And I LOVE the duvet cover - beautiful!