
*el pelo

I noticed a short chunk of hair on top of Edie's head today.. I said, Eeeedie, did you cut your hair?  "Yeah, I was me looking me pretty." I tried my hardest not to but smiled quickly and then sternly tried to tell her she may not do that.  I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. I bet myself when she was barely walking that she would do this someday. I knew without a doubt early on that Vera never would, but Edie is a different little bird. She doesn't care "how things are done" or what the rules are. She wants to try it out for herself, just how she wants to. Sigh :)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I have NO doubt Jubilee will join Edie in this one day! AHHH! Actually, Sam cut the front of his hair the other day because it "was in my eyes". Um, wow. Don't do that again, buddy.