

A few weeks ago I showed Vera photobooth on the laptop. I didn't show her how to get there or how to use the mousepad thing. Yet an hour or so later walked in the room and found her on my computer, having found the application and taking pictures of herself and Bunny. She even knew how to change to different effects! This was her first time ever on a computer - I cannot believe how she figured it out on her own. I'm sure 'grownups' like us say this all the time about kids and technology.

Anyway, here they are. The first few are from that first time. I love love this first one:


*vida cotidiana

..::::an assortment of pictures that were on the camera just now::::..

ay, the outfits this girl chooses sometimes:

Edie will finally fall asleep in the stroller [funny because Vera used to only fall asleep in the stroller/sling] and so we went on our first walk to Coffee Garden/the park with liz:

I did a bad bad thing today. I went to the mall to buy some pants since nothing fits still. I was good and bought some really-on-sale pants at jcrew and then walked into anthropologie to just look around - saw these shoes, tried them on and bought them. OOPS! I never ever try shoes on. I really like them and we really can't afford them. I may let my conscience get the best of me and take them back, or not. I took this picture to send to my sister, kind of hard to see:

I love this Montana hoodie we bought when Vera was on the way:

My two most recent favorite things about Edie. 1) her new sputtering/blowing bubbles trick and 2) her adorable, little, chubby, tan tummy:

It's hard to not take pictures of babies after their bath:



My parents and sister were here for a long ski weekend. Friday I met everyone up at Alta for a couple hours so Vera could ski for the first time! She did so well and had a lot of fun. Ben says every time she fell, she'd get up and say, "well let's try again!" Ben had a really really sweet time teaching his little girl to ski.

Here she goes. I love her little backward turn near the end:

I just hiked around in my boots and drank a latte in the lodge with Edie, but I admit that I secretly wished I got to ski too [I wrote about my feelings on skiing the last time I skied in 2008].

in the lodge:


*la nieta

I love these pictures! I have a similar one of Vera and Lola, and one of my own grandma giving me a bath in the sink when I was a babe. Again, if I didn't have soo much to do, I'd go find and scan it. Really blogging should be the last on my list of things to do! Like maybe I should pay some bills first or something...


This makes me smile, one of her best laughs yet:


*en casa

We're home after nearly a month away and I have so many things to do/organize, I hardly know where to start! There is so much I can tell about our trip - this is going to be a long, unorganized post. I will say we had a really great time simply spending time with Ben's family, seeing so many friends and enjoying the warmth and sunshine.

The girls traveled really well. I want to note that this was the first roadtrip that was actually easy with Vera [who called it a "tripride"] - I didn't have to constantly feed her activities, fun snacks and videos - she just hung out in her seat and kept herself entertained for the most part with what she hadin her backpack. She also did really well with all the outings and meeting new people. Our very first playdate was almost a disaster with her throwing a screaming fit the first 30 minutes. Thankfully it didn't happen again and she had tons of fun with each new friend she met. She seems to especially love boys that are her age or even a year younger.... not sure what that means - she does love to run and race around and be loud and silly as much as she loves princesses and dressing up.

I had intentions to take pictures of Vera with every one of her little friends that we met up with, but didn't end up getting very many. We got to spend time with the Bletschers, the Johnsons, Megan and Eden, Nieves and Catalina, the Delgados, the Abbys, the Kochs, Tio, Heather, Marie, Kristy, the Geantils, ... I'm probably missing someone. We drove a lot, but it was totally worth it. Seeing old friends is like medicine to my soul :)

Always so wonderful to see Robyn! For those of you who don't know my life story - I made the move to San Diego after college to housesit for them for a few months. I worked Wednesdays lunch [yes, just 3 hours a week] at Luna Notte - where I first met Ben Cater ♥

Nieves [I lived with her in Argentina] and her adorable little Catalina:

I have a picture of Vera and Eden right in this same spot last year. If I wasn't so tired, I would look up the link.

Eden and Edie on the Eden chair - Vera, Megan and I in the reflection:

Vera and Grant were so cute making waffles just before I took this:
Edie and Cale:

Marie is one of my oldest friends - I have a memory of our moms on the phone discussing whether we'd got the same kindergarten class. It's crazy now having a preschooler - I hope she still keeps in contact with her first friends!

The Kochs - friends from Montana who now live in the Central Valley. Vera was enamoured with the two older girls - and they made her feel quite the princess. She even had her first sleepover on their 3rd story bunk bed!


*edie bo beadie

Edie's first time in a high chair... there's something about their first time doing anything, so adorable and wonderful seeing them become a little person.

*yo amo la playa

ahhh, doesn't that look so lovely?

We're still here in California: the sunshine and warmth and visits with family and friends doing us a whole lot of good. Well - they think it's cold this week, but we know it to be 30 and snowing at home!

Vera has enjoyed the beach more than any other trip. She literally dances and jumps for joy, running back and forth to the water, digging, finding *treasures* and building castles and shouting YAY HooRAY!

So much fun jumping off the wall here with Eva's cousins:





Overheard in the car today:

Vera: Bunny, you can't come into the library - you have to stay in the car.
Bunny: Why?
V: Because we don't want you to get lost!
B: Oh, ok.
V: You're pretend.
B: I am? I thought I was not.
V: You are.
B: Oh.


*el lugar más feliz del mundo

We had a great time at Disneyland!! Such a happy, wonderful place :) The weather was PERFECT. It was really crowded too - however, Mike just had back surgery and so he used a wheelchair all day... which also happens to get you to the front of the line!

the teacups were the best!

I really like this one:

storybook land (not sure what it was called) she wouldn't watch as our boat entered the whale's mouth :)

the princesses! I just watched Vera's expressions as they each came on stage. She was SO.HAPPY.

When Cinderella came on stage she whispered to herself, "Cinderella! She's so pretty...." Ben got a picture of her with Cinderella on his phone... I need to get it.
Snow White brushed by her doing this little maypole dance and she totally held her breath :) I tried to switch maypoles so she could be by Cinderella but was too late.
Edie was a little trooper! She hung out in the baby bjorn all day, only napping a total of about 20 minutes and only fussing when it was time to eat [we paid for this the next day with a very fussy, tired baby]. I had to miss Space Mountain to feed her and so when she was hungry right when we were about to get on Pirates of the Caribbean, I just decided to nurse her on the ride. She got splashed a few times, but was just fine :) She was totally enthralled here on It's a Small World:
She did well on the submarine ride too, though she got a little scared when the mines exploded :( None of us saw it coming.

After Mike and Rosie left, Ben embraced his role as physically/mentally impaired:
just entering the park. Vera had an awesome time and despite all the excitement, sugar, running around, she didn't have the meltdown I predicted!