

Bunny lost one of her eyes [again] a week or two ago. Vera was really upset and wanted to take her to a real hospital. I suggested we call our neighbor, Bryan, who is a nurse but she was concerned because he's not an animal nurse. Anyway, Bunny spent the day sick in her little sleeping bag. I still haven't fixed her eye - I'm worried about making things worse!

It all makes me think of the Velveteen Rabbit. A friend gave us a copy not too long ago and it was really interesting watching Vera as I read it to her. She was intrigued, but also a little wary. She does not want her Bunny to leave anytime soon to become real. At the end of the story I had big tears streaming down my face - it's such a sweet story and pulls at your emotions in all sorts of ways. It's been really sweet to watch Vera grow with her relationship with Bun and I don't want to see it fade because that would mean she's growing up :(

I made this little sleeping bag for Vera's birthday :)

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