
*déjala sola!!

[leave her alone!!]

Vera is constantly wanting to hug and squeeze and touch and kiss and grab and pat her little sister. Mostly it's harmless, but it still drives me a little nuts. Please just let.her.a.lone.! I've tried to not let it bother me as much in the last few days - I mean she really just loves her to pieces and can't help herself. A few times it's not so innocent. Like yesterday: Vera what happened? Well, um, you see.... um well my teeth were there and then her hand was there. and um then her hannnnd was um, near my teeth and...

1 comment:

momandpop said...

Pero un dia Edie va molestar su hermana cuando Vera quiere estar sola en su recamara o con su arte. Hermanitas!