
*para atrás

That means backwards.

This is Edie posing next to her sticker chart - she could put a hello kitty sticker on each morning if she woke up with a dry diaper. Which she did for at least two weeks!  Completely potty trained - I finally didn't even have to ask her anymore if she needed to go.  We have had a couple regressions over the last few months - if I am not paying attention to her diet and she doesn't get enough, you know, fiber.  It  seriously messes her up and this regression has lasted about a week now.  Like going in her pants about 90% of the time.  She will suddenly exclaim that she needs to go, so I whisk her to the bathroom and then she freaks out and says she doesn't need to. Since *sometimes* she actually goes, I feel I have to give her a chance.  This happens 5 times before she finally goes in her pants [which have been pull-ups the last couple days].  Do you know how infuriating this is?  ?!?!!!!  I would say potty-training issues are the absolute hardest thing for me.  For good or bad, I am a person who likes to have control.  I cannot control this and I quickly lose my temper if I'm not careful.  I know God gives us trials to strengthen us and teach us, and I feel so silly that potty-training is the trial I need.  Vera likes to pray that Edie will "go", but I try to tell her that we pray for patience and for kindness.  Because that's what I need!!  Lord, help me and give me true patience with this!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Evan will wake up in the middle of the night to go and then throw a tantrum when we try to take him. Kicking and screaming, refusing to sit on the toilet, makes me so infuriated. Last night is a perfect example, he woke the whole house up at 12:30, kicking on the bathroom wall and banging the toilet lid against the back of the tank. Then he finally goes gets off the toilet and screams at me that he has more pee coming.

Sometimes you just have to throw your hands up in the air and walk away.

Three year olds are not the most rational beings!