
*Jesus Christ is Risen Today!

Jesus Christ is ris'n tod--ay, A a a lle lu u ia!
Our Triumphant holy da-ay, A a a lle lu u ia!
Who did once upon on the cro-oss, A a a lle lu u ia!
Suffer to redeem our loss, A a a lle lu u ia!

Hymns of praise then let us sing, A a a lle lu u ia!
Unto Christ, our heav'nly king, A a a lle lu u ia!
Who endured the cross and grave, A a a lle lu u ia!
Sinners to redeem and save. A a a lle lu u ia!


Sing we to our God above, A a a lle lu u ia!
Praise eternal as his love, A a a lle lu u ia!
Praise him, all you heavn'ly host, A a a lle lu u ia!
Father, Son and Holy Ghost! A a a a a - lle-e - lu u ia!

Happy Easter! What a glorious day we have to celebrate. I started whistling this song right when I got up - just as I imagine my dad was, like I remember him doing every Easter morning. It is such a triumphant, wonderful song and it was so beautiful again with the choir and trumpets at church.


Unknown said...

I agree, it was magnificent. He is risen indeed.

Anonymous said...

me too. was humming it yesterday morning as i was brushing my teeth.