I wish I could say things are going "great"... here's a short list of the challenges we've had over the last week:
*Ben almost sawed off the end of his thumb and spent a few hours at the ER. Thankfully it happened 2 minutes before my parents arrived from Nevada [my mom had left and came back, then left again this monday]
*Vera had the flu Friday, Ben had it yesterday and I felt on the verge of it 2 mornings in a row.
*Edie wasn't latched on right the first week and so I have some severely sore, bloody, scabbed... nursing parts. It's so bad I was having major anxiety attacks before feeding her and crying a LOT. I finally went to my midwife yesterday [if you are in that situation DO NOT wait!] and got a prescription to hopefully heal. I also started pumping and giving her a bottle which is emotionally hard :( I am really determined to keep nursing and I hope it doesn't ruin it. Any suggestions?
*Vera continues to have a bedtime fit which has us at a complete loss as to what to do. We put her down and then she calls out for the next hour telling us she has to tell us something, can't sleep, is hungry, needs us to rub her back FIVEMOREMINUTES and freaks out when we try to tell her that's enough. Any ideas??
Like several of my friends have reminded me, none of these 'trials' last forever and I am praying for patience and endurance while it all lasts! Friends have been really helpful bringing us meals and taking Vera for a couple hours which has been so wonderful. It also helps that Edie is so stinkin cute and snuggly and is sleeping some decent stretches at night. Vera is also so helpful and loving with the baby and Ben has been amazing and wonderful in helping and supporting me even with the flu and a pretty scary looking thumb.
When it rains it pours!
It DOES get better! I know that's hard when you're in the thick of it but there's a light. I definitely had some times where I didn't want to feed Levi because of pain. But, we are still nursing, over two year later! These little ones are much stronger and more adaptable than we are at times. Read, online and books, it helps to hear advise and just that others are going through the same thing. Borrow from the library or buy The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers by Jack Newman, it has been very helpful for me. Plus he has a website with tons of great info. In fact, I can send you my copy if you can't find it!
Ultimately, remember that even if breastfeeding doesn't work out right now you are doing everything you can for that little girl. It's not a failure, just the way it works sometimes. She will still grow up strong and smart and wonderful because of who you and Ben are as parents. You are doing a great job!
She is so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing several pictures! I also had cracked, sore, sore parts with each baby. I let myself air-dry between feedings and had curled toes for the first few minutes. But then it was okay. I used lanolin.
I'm thankful that Ben's okay.
Wish we were close to help.
Sending you lots of love and get well wishes...
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