
*15 months!

At 1.25 years of age, Vera...

..is amazing us as always.

..loves to sign. Her new favorites are book, train, please and thank you [these 2 my favorites as well].

..is becoming quite the climber. I've given up asking her to sit down.

..is pretty proficient at using her spoon. She even knows, "Ve-ra, use your spoon please!" when she starts shoving fistfuls of oatmeal in her mouth.

..loves to say/sign daddy. She knows the sign for mama but doesn't use it and definitely doesn't say it.

..takes one 25 minute nap every day. exactly. why?????????!

..loves her milk. We can't say it or she'll run straight to the fridge. We call it leche or spell it.

..likes to feed, kiss, hug and rock Bunny, Bear and Dollie. Today I think she was even singing to Dollie which was pretty cute.

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