
*1.67 years

People often ask what has been my favorite stage, and the truth is, every stage feels like the most fun at the time, and then the next comes along and I decide that's even more fun! The past few months have been awesome just watching her grow and change into a little girl. So here's what she's up to at 20 months. I'm sure you'll find this boring, but they're things we'd like to remember:

She's talking a lot and her pronunciation is better seriously every day. In couple months she started adding an 's' for plural and possessive: Mommy's, Daddy's, books, cats, etc. It's so crazy how they just pick these things up! Come to think of it, she's easing up saying "no!" but did start saying "my!" the other day - oh boy. Her most repeated words are too! and two! [as in mommy's eating too! mommy, sit here too! two socks! two dogs!], new! [as in put on a new (another) diaper, shirt..] and big/small [last night apparently she looked up at Ben and said, daddy, eyebrow, big. :)] Also, in the last couple months she's started actually talking to whoever is on the phone, answering their questions [she'll say "yeah" or "no"] and saying the words they ask to hear, giving a kiss if they ask for it, etc.
I'd say her favorite things to do are play with fake-food or her tea-set: feeding mommy, daddy or a line-up of animals friends and dolls. She also still loves to put on any hats, mittens, boots, shoes + belts that happen to be lying around [she put on a pair of pants by herself just once, and is working on it..] She's more attached to Bunny than ever and includes him in everything. Yesterday he handed me the clothes out of the basket one-at-a-time to fold :) He's not allowed to go outside to the park or anywhere he could possibly get lost, so we leave him in the crib to take a nap. She's good about telling him to "stay" :) She also has Bunny do things she's not allowed to, like turn on the TV or touch the hot oven or even hit or push Mommy! It's hard not to laugh, but I let her know it's not ok. She also loves to run. Run through the living room-bedroom loop, run into daddy's arms and then back up to do it over again, run pell-mell [like the Poky Little Puppy, remember?] through an open space - yelling and hearing her voice bounce. She loves to visit our neighbors, Tio & Tia - walks in their house like she owns the place and pretty much has them wrapped around her little finger :)

I still put her down for a nap around 1:00, but at least 2-3 times a week she doesn't fall asleep. She'll play or read quietly for 1/2 hour and then say mommymommymommymommy for the next 1/2 hour. It drives me CRAZY, but she is going to have to learn that we all will have a quiet time whether we sleep or not!!

I think that's it?

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