

I would just like to report that Vera has had a really good day!! Our few days of summer weather were brief and we woke up to rain and snow this morning. I knew it could be a potentially long day not being able to go outside, but everything went so well! I think it's key to keep the "strong-willed child" busy [I've heard this several times...]. I gave them rides around the carpet in the fruit box [notice Vera waiting patiently for her turn - I didn't even have to ask!], read some books, they jumped in the crib, played with some tupperware, cooked in her kitchen, - all in a happy, nice, sharing spirit.

When I lay Vera down at night, we always say a prayer. It usually goes something like this: "Dear Jesus, thank you for this day, thank you for Mommy and Daddy and Vera and... Thank you for our friends, help us to be nice and love them. Please be with them tonight... Amen!" The other night she had trouble going to sleep and so I went in to read another story. In the middle of it, she looked up and said, Mommy, nice. Daddy, nice. Desta, nice. and patted her arm showing 'gentle'. It was so sweet! I really want to get at the heart of all this you know? Teach her to understand why and how we love others.

Today was good - thank you LORD! Help me to be patient even when it's difficult...

[of course bunny got a turn too]

1 comment:

sarah said...

annie, you're teaching a little person how/why we love others...what a gift!