

I love to see Vera's imagination at work. It's really an amazing thing when a little person begins to look at a line of blocks, for example, and can make the mental jump to exclaiming it looks like a train [one of my first glimpses of Vera's imagination many months ago]. Now she is constantly making things [that's usually how I hear about it - she yells "made!" from the other room] and seeing things in new and creative ways. Here's a couple:

her "bike." She even put Bunny on the back, just like she rides behind Daddy:

a "train" she made out of noodles at the restaurant:

posing by her "boat" made of blocks:

...and I couldn't find the picture of her "caterpillar" made of My Little Pony shoes :)

1 comment:

momandpop said...

"almost two" and so smart!!