
* ¡primavera!

I love Spring!! The last few days have been so warm and sunny - though we hear there's supposed to be snow later this week. I guess a slow Spring is a good thing, right? This morning Vera and I walked to the park to find the ferris wheel and merry-go-round ... going around :) We didn't have any money, but had fun watching. Every time the ferris wheel went around she'd yell "goes!!", as in there it goes!!



We had kind of a rough day [I knew it might be when she woke up at 4:30!!], so I made it a point to go somewhere open and happy this afternoon - it was so nice and and refreshing for both of us.




You might like to know that Vera can now push herself forward :)


*bad bad bad

Anytime I make any sort of extra effort in making dinner [as in a real recipe, or risotto, or steak, or anything moderately special] I feel like I have to set the table pretty, light votives and cannot not have wine [unless it's clearly a beer meal]. Tonight it was definitely my fault. I had planned to make empanadas [a beer meal, but I don't much feel like beer lately], but couldn't find my trusty empanada dough recipe. I believe I didn't want to lose it, so I put it somewhere safe - oops. Anyway, so Ben was supposed to get burger fixings and instead got some nice steak and peppers to make kebabs. I guess kebabs aren't the fanciest of meals, but the steak wasn't cheap, and after drizzling some balsamic vinaigrette over them, it looked rather special. In Montana, this wasn't a problem: we lived 3 blocks from Grizzly Grocery and could hop on a bike and be back in 5 minutes with a decently cheap bottle of wine. Not in Utah!!! You can only buy wine at a State-run liquor store which close at 7pm and aren't open Sundays. I often try to buy a couple extra bottles of cheaper wine to have on hand. Problem is, they usually are consumed in a couple days. So all we had in the pantry tonight was a special bottle I bought just this week - the one we had on our ♥ day date [as well as a reeeeally special one saved for like.. the dissertation defense] and were saving for a special occasion. As Ben headed out to the bbq I said, soooo we probably shouldn't have that wine? Knowing full well that we would have it - though I had to put up the pretend "I'm frugal" front. ayayay.

Anyway, it was worth it - just as it usually is. We're both a little frazzled lately: Ben with 150-or-so books to read [or at least know] in the next month and I with a feisty + headstrong little toddler. The kebabs were de-licious and the wine just right. If you're looking for a nicer [this would be a low-budget wine to some, I realize - $18], yummy, quality wine we would both recommend it - Can Blau, Montsant Spain 2006. I can't find the words to describe it and would sound cheesy anyway if I did. We agreed at dinner on cherries and pepper? What do we know?

*Just so you know, I took pictures of my food+wine long long before I had a *blog* :)
**Why do I feel like putting all those thoughts in [brackets] instead of in the clause itself?
***You might be wondering why this is so bad, and the answer is, we cannot afford it!!


*las etapas

I think one thing I've learned about this parenting deal is that kids have phases - and that these phases come and go. For Vera there was the month of exactly 18 minute naps, the few weeks where she would only eat something if it had YoBaby mixed in, the 2-3 months where she would break into choking sobs every time I stepped out of her sight, the screeching phase [remember, Beth?] and the trying to get out of bedtime phase - to name a few.

I'm hoping the current phase is like the rest and will eventually be a memory, because I've just about lost patience for it. It's still the no! phase that I mentioned a while ago, combined with a new somewhat bratty attitude with her friends [not all the time ... please still invite us over :)]. I'd say most of the troubles have to do with her interactions with other little ones - which is hard and sad for me to see and deal with. I try so hard to patiently repeat the same words: Vera, we don't talk to our friends that way, Vera, that is not nice, Vera, you may not take things from your friends, Vera, please give that back, Vera please say you're sorry. Sometimes I see flickers of her holding back. I'll say, Vera do you want a spanking? And she says noooo in a much lighter, softer tone - which lets me know that she does know what's going on! Or I'll be about to give her a little spank and she says, nice! or a honey-sweet hiiiii :) Or sometimes, she makes the right choice and will hand Stella a toy, or give her a kiss and pat on the back.

Anyway, I started this post this morning - while remembering the difficult week we had [all the above combined with waking up at 5:00am and little-to-no napping...]. We had such a lovely day though today - lots of smiles and giggles and being nice. Well and Ben took her for a long hike [thank you!!] after which she took a 2 hour nap!!! And then such a fun, playful easy-to-bed evening we had. So yeah, I believe this too is just a phase. In the meantime I'll try to be consistent and loving, steering her towards a kind heart.


*zapatos negros

Vera has long been observant of the fancy boots, necklaces, belts, earrings, etc. she sees and will sometimes sign/say "pretty!" and more recently "cute!" Yesterday we got a fresh batch of hand-me-downs in the mail and she tried on all the hats, a cute pink bathrobe, some petit bateau panties [on her head], but she's really taken with her cousin Marie's MaryJanes - still 3 sizes too big. I don't know if it's luck, but she gets them on the right feet every time and fastens the little [velcro] strap just right. She looooves to clomp around in them and just hear herself walk.


*el parque

Tamara took this craaazy picture of Vera on Saturday. I promise I didn't throw her screaming down the slide - she likes it! If she were older and more aware she might be mad for me posting such a funny picture. I can't stop giggling:

We had let Vera pick out her own clothes to go to the park. A flowered turtle-neck onesie over chinese pajama pants and furry hot pink boots. :)



Tamara came to visit this weekend!! I cannot tell you how happy it was to see her!!!! We're tragically averaging 24 hours/year since leaving San Diego. It was so wonderful to just sit and talk and drink mate all day. Also special for me, of course, to see these two girls getting along so well...

My brother George [she called him "uncle" - very cute] was also visiting this weekend [here mostly for the snow :)], so we got some good family time in as well, both here and down at my other brother's:


*il lavoro

You may have heard that I got a job! I could not be more excited and I will tell you why:

So there's this most amazing Italian cheese shop/deli that I have wanted to work at since the day I stepped inside several years ago. They're opening a new dinner-only restaurant and I get to be a server Friday and Saturday nights only!! So I have to work only on the busiest nights, don't ever have to worry about a lunch shift and will mostly be away from little V during sleeping hours. Everyone involved is so passionate and knowledgeable about food [as well as friendly and down-to-earth] and I just can't believe I get to be a part of it!! It's a very established establishment and they are really into the "family aspect of business" as well as supporting and utilizing as many small-time producers as possible - everything from cheese to lamb to wine. The past couple days we've had wine tastings, where I get to sit with some serious food+wine people - learning so so much.

I'm just happy to have a little outlet to look forward to. As you may know, Ben studies a lot. My evenings are often spent on the internet or watching + re-watching Arrested Development or other not so worthy shows such as.... the Bachelor. So to be out learning, talking about, eating, selling, being excited about good, real, Italian cheeses, handmade pastas, delicious wines ... all while getting paid??? All I could think today was, seriously??? God is good.



Ben's parents sent 2 boxes of these amazingly delicious tangerines from their backyard. I'd say 1/2 dozen didn't even make it past the front door. I still can't wrap my high-desert mind around the fact that in some places people have their very own tangerine/orange/lemon trees! Pretty amazing. Thank you M+R!!


*a blustery day

Earlier today Vera found an umbrella in the closet - I don't know how she knew what it was all folded up, but apparently [she was with Ben] she freaked out. For the next 40 or so minutes she frantically repeated these words over and over and over: pooh! pooh! mud! bees! ta-ta [as in tut, tut it looks like rain..]! pooh! bees! rah [christopher robin]! mud! bees! ta-ta! We're definitely in that repeating and repeating stage we've heard about. Cute, but ... well we won't be leaving the umbrella out anywhere for her to see :)
*and it was an extremely blustery day! Ben's holding on so she doesn't blow away..



We think this video is hilarious. Obviously we're biased thinking everything she does is cute... but I just love her subtle little moves and non-chalant straight face - of course combined with the sweet little outfit.



Look what someone had hiding in her pocket during naptime... I don't think she slept the whole hour she was in there, and as I picked her up she was already saying no-no and sorry :) Hard not to laugh. Can you imagine the satisfaction of seeing those bold blue lines?


*just what i need

... one more amazing blog to check with a hundred more ideas to add to the ones I keep forgetting. I just found *lovelydesign* through the already favorite angrychicken. I've already starred* the first dozen or so posts - really beautiful, crisp, fun, stylish ideas!!! There is so much creativity out there: me duele la cabeza!! I have a favorite quote from another favorite blog píntame el día* :

{{no cuesta que las ideas tomen forma, lo que cuesta es coser las ideas para que no se escapen}}
{it's not hard for the ideas to take form, the hard part is sewing them together so they don't escape}

*i searched and searched for when she wrote it without luck - I may have the first part slightly worded differently, as well as my own translation :(


*el mate

I took this picture back in September. She had been reaching and reaching for my mate, and so I gave her some knowing she'd never ask for it again. I didn't even capture the full repugnance on her face as she shook her head back and forth spewing green tea all over. It was pretty great :) [by the way, it wasn't hot] A couple months ago though she wanted to try again. I made sure it was a nasty, cold, bitter one and she took a sip. She twisted her face a little in surprise and then covered it up and said mmmmmm, more? I couldn't believe it. I let her try once or twice, making sure they were strong and sure to be foul-tasting. She'd give a start, pucker her lips, hide her disgust and keep at it! So no more tries for Vera. She loves to point it out though and will often devise her own little mate with a cup and a straw. Sometimes I let her drink water out of the gourd and it's just too cute - mi chiquita argentina :)



It was a beautiful, cool, fresh, windy, warm [and later cold and rainy] day. We made it to the park in the morning and our friends' fun backyard in the afternoon...

[.fun to be had indoors too of course.]



We've started the pre-spring warming trend around here, and it's just so so wonderful. I like seasons and all, but .. well .. Winter is my least favorite and I cannot wait for Spring!!! I've seen a few crocus shoots peeking out of the ground and will be sure to post pictures when my favorite --tulips-- appear. Sadly, we didn't get to take much advantage of the warm day today, but at least we took Bunny for his daily walk up and down the sidewalk:

..and unrelated, but this was pretty cute: tonight Vera brought a couple chairs over and sat everyone down to watch Mommy make dinner :)

*happy birthday 'Desta'!!

We can't believe you're 1! I started watching Stella when she was 6 months - it's hard to believe that much time has gone by! I wish you could see how excited Vera gets when she and her mom pull up in the driveway. Also, any time I say, "guess who's coming over??" she exclaims, "Des-ta!" She's really a sweet little thing - loving, cuddly and with the cutest little lisp :)



So last week we read a little book where the character stood on his head at one point. Afterwards, I asked Vera, "can you stand on your head?" and she immediately did it! I love to test and see what she's understanding - and am amazed still every time she does. Have I mentioned that watching a little one grow is about the most wonderful thing ever???


*I ♥ bloomers

I really do. In this day of dressing your baby like she's already a teenager - which I probably do sometimes, I guess I just love it as something so perfectly baby. I actually started a post back in June that I never got around to finishing, and took the above pictures today before I got an email saying I had won a pair of classic bloomers! Maybe you're familiar with the blogging world 'giveaways.'.. Yesterday I was reading through the new issue of the online SMALL magazine - one page had a bundle of companies offering giveaways to the 10th person to contact them. Lo and behold, I was the 10th! on the only one I responded to! I am floored: I don't think I've ever won anything!* A happy little surprise this Sunday :)


[ [wait... I am remembering winning The Simpsons Sing the Blues (my first cd!) at a KWNZ thing at Carson Jr. High. 5th grade?] ]


*funny stuff

...at least Vera thinks so..
{{volume up}}



These beautiful Chinese pajamas were a gift from Ben's parents when I was pregnant - I remember imagining my little dark-haired, dark-eyed daughter wearing them someday. I can tell you it took me a while to get used to the little blondie who surprised us all! When Ben's Granny first met Vera she kept exclaiming over the howlie boy :)

I love to think of all the different backgrounds that came together in little Vera - Ben's grandfather growing up in the Phillipines speaking a language I know nothing about, his Chinese Granny growing up as basically an indentured servant in Hawaii, another grandfather hopping the train from Oklahoma to California Steinbeck style, my dad's dad growing up on hop farms in Washington, one grandmother of mine adopted out to a family who needed help in their restaurant in Yerrington, Nevada. Imagine them meeting up back in the 40s - hey our descendents will have children together! It's truly amazing, really, where we all come from.

Later on, snuggled in bed - like a little princess in her fancy jammies.