
*I ♥ pesto

I LOVE PESTO! One of my most favorite things to make and freeze during the summer is lots of batches of pesto [I feel like I've written about this before?]. I used to do it in little tupperwares, but read about freezing them in thin, easily-thawable flat ziplocks and it's made it so easy. I also had a revelation last summer while working at that restaurant. There was an arugula-tarragon pesto dish that was so good, so pretty and obviously super-healthy: I immediately began to copy it and have a nice little supply in the freezer. So this week I tossed some thawed arugula-parsley-lemon-pinenut pesto with spaghetti noodles, a huge handful of pinenuts, kosher salt and a little grated mozzarella - Vera even liked it which was exciting because how else would I get her to eat arugula?? This was Thursday and I'm still thinking about how delicious it was.

Then last night I thawed some sage-walnut-parsley pesto for our pizza and it was sooooo good. Seriously amazing. The possibilities of pesto combinations are endless and so much fun :)

(sausage + mushrooms too for the manly man)


Mackenzie said...

i'm not kidding - ever since i got my cuisinart food processor from santa i have been concocting pesto recipes in my head! i was just looking at a couple of giada's yesterday but after reading about yours i'm tempted to ask for a list of your ingredients. how long can you freeze the pesto for? do you think it would be stupid/unsuccessful to try and make pesto in the winter?

ann.e said...

Cuisinarts are the best!! I think I remember you saying you got one on fb :)

I freeze it like 6 months maybe? The key is to have a layer of olive oil on the top so it seals everything in.

For the sage one, I looked up a recipe on epicurious and then tweaked it a bit more to my liking. With the arugula I used 1 bag arugula, maybe 1/2 lemon, handful pinenuts, little to no garlic, a little parsley, olive oil, salt + pepper. Seriously I think you can do whatever you want! Also I totally made it during the winter when I was in CA, I guess it depends on if you have fresh stuff or want to spend $$.
