We had let Vera pick out her own clothes to go to the park. A flowered turtle-neck onesie over chinese pajama pants and furry hot pink boots. :)
*el parque
*il lavoro
You may have heard that I got a job! I could not be more excited and I will tell you why:
So there's this most amazing Italian cheese shop/deli that I have wanted to work at since the day I stepped inside several years ago. They're opening a new dinner-only restaurant and I get to be a server Friday and Saturday nights only!! So I have to work only on the busiest nights, don't ever have to worry about a lunch shift and will mostly be away from little V during sleeping hours. Everyone involved is so passionate and knowledgeable about food [as well as friendly and down-to-earth] and I just can't believe I get to be a part of it!! It's a very established establishment and they are really into the "family aspect of business" as well as supporting and utilizing as many small-time producers as possible - everything from cheese to lamb to wine. The past couple days we've had wine tastings, where I get to sit with some serious food+wine people - learning so so much.
I'm just happy to have a little outlet to look forward to. As you may know, Ben studies a lot. My evenings are often spent on the internet or watching + re-watching Arrested Development or other not so worthy shows such as.... the Bachelor. So to be out learning, talking about, eating, selling, being excited about good, real, Italian cheeses, handmade pastas, delicious wines ... all while getting paid??? All I could think today was, seriously??? God is good.
*a blustery day
*just what i need
*i searched and searched for when she wrote it without luck - I may have the first part slightly worded differently, as well as my own translation :(
*el mate
I took this picture back in September. She had been reaching and reaching for my mate, and so I gave her some knowing she'd never ask for it again. I didn't even capture the full repugnance on her face as she shook her head back and forth spewing green tea all over. It was pretty great :) [by the way, it wasn't hot] A couple months ago though she wanted to try again. I made sure it was a nasty, cold, bitter one and she took a sip. She twisted her face a little in surprise and then covered it up and said mmmmmm, more? I couldn't believe it. I let her try once or twice, making sure they were strong and sure to be foul-tasting. She'd give a start, pucker her lips, hide her disgust and keep at it! So no more tries for Vera. She loves to point it out though and will often devise her own little mate with a cup and a straw. Sometimes I let her drink water out of the gourd and it's just too cute - mi chiquita argentina :)
..and unrelated, but this was pretty cute: tonight Vera brought a couple chairs over and sat everyone down to watch Mommy make dinner :)
*happy birthday 'Desta'!!
*I ♥ bloomers
and use her spoon!
We've had these wooden beads for a few months and she's now able to do it on her own - though she still likes to do it together sometimes :) If she's in the right mood, she'll do it a couple times over and over. It's been cute to see her slowly learn to do it all by herself.
Another little activity that I got from this blog post. She was into it when we had a mini-Montessori date at Sam+Amelia's [I'm thinking mainly because it was what Sam wanted to do], but gets impatient quickly and wants to do her own thing, ie. throw the pins across the room or shake the bottle, or try to stuff bunny's paws through the top. I took a video after we tried it the first time - she does 2 of my favorite things in this video: how she says "see??" to Bunny and her adorable little pleased-with-herself laugh.
She really loves this one - painting with water on a chalkboard. I'm going to be careful to keep it a special activity, so she won't lose interest. She likes to paint "dots" and will do a cat too, if I ask her to :)
So far, these are the books I've read: Montessori from the Start, Raising an Amazing Child the Montessori Way and Mommy, Teach Me! I don't feel like searching out the links, do you mind?
The blogs on my googleReader: Chasing Cheerios and The Wonder Years.
*la holga
boone was the cutest puppy ever!!