
*just what i need

... one more amazing blog to check with a hundred more ideas to add to the ones I keep forgetting. I just found *lovelydesign* through the already favorite angrychicken. I've already starred* the first dozen or so posts - really beautiful, crisp, fun, stylish ideas!!! There is so much creativity out there: me duele la cabeza!! I have a favorite quote from another favorite blog píntame el día* :

{{no cuesta que las ideas tomen forma, lo que cuesta es coser las ideas para que no se escapen}}
{it's not hard for the ideas to take form, the hard part is sewing them together so they don't escape}

*i searched and searched for when she wrote it without luck - I may have the first part slightly worded differently, as well as my own translation :(

1 comment:

Esti said...

Me encantaría hebr dicho exactamente eso!
Me parece que dije algo parecido, pero no tan bonito :)