

In case you were wondering, Vera is again taking naps! I think it was day 9 of the strike that she cried for a whole hour before falling asleep [for a measly 30 min.]. The next day she cried just a minute and slept an hour. Yesterday 2 hours! Also she hasn't cried at bedtime 3 nights in a row [this is huge, it was really upsetting to both of us :( ]. I basically have had the philosophy throughout these episodes [of not napping, not eating, only wanting milk in a bottle, only wearing socks if they're pink...] to stick to the routine. Of course with a little flexibility [hard to define, but you know what I mean?] and lots of love, but I stick to it. I continue to offer her vegetables, ignore the pleas [with an exception or two] for the bottle, and continue to put her down for her nap. Eventually things settle back and she forgets that it was all such a big deal. If any of you momma friends need advice on that front [or any other], don't hesitate to email or call! Cause I'm like an expert at this* :)

*[kidding, in case you can't read the sarcasm via the screen...]

1 comment:

Melissa Abby said...

YAY!! Don't you just wish you could get inside their little minds? I am thankful to have you to ask questions too, too bad we don't live close so we could hang out too!